Whatever you produce may be saved as HTML, PDF, ePub and MOBI ebooks, and more.Īs with any markup editor, AsciidocFX can seem awkward to use at first: typing in one pane, and looking in the other to see the finished results. AsciidocFX is also a winner of Duke’s Choice Award 2015.

When we use highlight.js we can also add an extra document attribute highlightjs-theme with the value of a highlight.js theme.
#Asciidocfx code#
If we have source code in the Asciidoc markup we can set the document attribute source-highlighter to pigments, coderay, prettify and highlightjs. Asciidoc FX is a book / document editor to build PDF, Epub, Mobi and HTML books, documents and slides. Asciidoctor is a great tool for writing technical documentation. AsciiDoc files can be translated to many formats including HTML, PDF, EPUB, and man page. This package was approved as a trusted package on. More technical extensions support entering mathematical equations via Tex or MathML, and UML diagrams via PlantUML. AsciiDoc is a human-readable text document format for writing notes, documentation, articles, books, ebooks, slideshows, web pages, man pages and blogs, and more. Data can be entered within the document, or you can have AsciidocFX import it from a CSV file. There’s even the ability to insert multiple chart types (pie, bar, line, area, scatter, bubble, stacked).

Drag and drop a folder onto AsciiDocfx and it automatically generates a graphic showing any subfolders and their files. The bundled "Filesystem Tree" extension was a surprise. The "Admonitions" list works in a similar way, inserting icons for tips (light bulb), notes (an information sign) and so on, along with space to enter the related text. The cheatsheet available for different AsciiDoc versions (because of some markup syntax changes) and using different css styles.
#Asciidocfx install#
Enter more examples as required and AsciidocFX updates the numbers for you. If you are willing to install an editor or a plugin for your favorite IDE, you can install one of the following: AsciiDocFX, a full blown AsciiDoc editor. Title" with a box underneath, perfect for entering worked examples like program code or mathematical equations. Inserting an "Example", for instance, gets you the italic text "Example 1.